A practical guide to the main features of the device

  • In top left corner there is a number that is your telephone number that people call to contact you
  • In the bottom right corner there is the "ReDial" button: this allows you to compose the last number that you called
  • Click this button to put on Speaker
  • Click numbers to call a particular number
  1. Click this button to open the address book
  2. Click the arrows to go through the numbers
  3. Click "Dial" to make a call
  4. Click "More" to see other options
  5. Click "Delete" to delete a number from the Local address book
  6. Click "New" to add a new phone number
  7. Click the numbers to search a particular number

When you are on a call and you want to transfer the call on another device.

While you are on a call you have to:
  1. Click this button
  2. Compose the number and the call will be transferred to that number
  3. Press the green button (the one with the telephone symbol on)
  4. Press "Transfer"
  5. Now you can end your call

When you are on a call and you want to add someone else (3 people maximum)
  1. Press this button
  2. Digit the numbers of the people that you want to add
  3. Click the green button (the one with the telephone symbol on it)
  4. Press "ConfCall" to start the conference
  5. To end the conference the person who started the call must end it.

This topic: InformationSystem > WebHome > Grandstream1625Guide
Topic revision: 01 Feb 2021, Dibiase
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