How to fix the error ‘403 4.7.0 TLS handshake failed’ in RedHat, CentOS and OpenSuse servers with Sendmail

Along with the error message “403 4.7.0 TLS handshake failed”, it is possible to identify the recipient domain which has the TLS connectivity issue.

Edit the configuration file “/etc/mail/access” and add the line:

#>vim <b>/etc/mail/access

</b> NO

Since “/etc/mail/access” is a database, after creating that text file and editing it, use ‘makemap‘ to create the database map.

#>makemap hash /etc/mail/access.db < /etc/mail/access

Restart the mail server.

#>service sendamail restart

This will exempt that domain from TLS email transmission and the mails would deliver fine without errors.

To see mail queued:

This topic: InformationSystem > WebHome > SendmailConfiguration
Topic revision: 12 Nov 2020, Dibiase
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