{% extends 'layout/auth_base.html' %} {% from 'auth/_login_form.html' import login_form %} {% from 'message_box.html' import message_box %} {% block content %}
{% if active_provider %}

{% if login_reason %} {% endif %} {% include 'flashed_messages.html' %} {% if retry_in %} {% call message_box('error') %} {% trans delay=retry_in|format_human_timedelta(granularity='minutes') %} Too many failed login attempts. Please wait {{ delay }}. {% endtrans %} {% endcall %} {% endif %}
{{ login_form(active_provider, form) }}
{% set other_local_providers = providers|rejectattr('is_external')|reject('equalto', active_provider)|list %} {% if other_local_providers %}
{% trans %}or change authentication provider{% endtrans %}
{% for provider in other_local_providers %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% else %}
{% include 'flashed_messages.html' %}
{% endif %} {% set external_providers = providers|selectattr('is_external')|sort(attribute='title') %} {% if external_providers %} {% if active_provider %}
{% trans %}or connect with{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{% for provider in external_providers %} {{- provider.title -}} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if indico_config.LOCAL_IDENTITIES and indico_config.LOCAL_REGISTRATION %}

{% trans url=url_for('.register', next=request.args.get('next')) -%} If you do not have an Indico account yet, you can create one here. {%- endtrans %}

{% elif indico_config.EXTERNAL_REGISTRATION_URL %}

{% trans url=indico_config.EXTERNAL_REGISTRATION_URL -%} If you do not have an account yet, you can create one here. {%- endtrans %}

{% endif %} {% include 'footer.html' %}
{% endblock %}