# Data exchanges with LIGO and Lyon via rsync
# Allowed remote hosts defined on the perimetral firewall

path = /opt/w3/computing/to_ligo_acct
comment = ccstats files repository
use chroot = yes
read only = yes
hosts allow = ldas-grid.ligo.caltech.edu, *.virgo.infn.it
uid = virgoda
gid = virgoda
pre-xfer exec = /bin/bash -c "cd /opt/w3/computing/to_ligo_acct"

path = /olusers/virgoda/ccstats/virgo_sqlite
comment = ccstats files repository for Lyon
use chroot = yes
read only = no
hosts allow = *, *.virgo.infn.it
uid = virgoda
gid = virgoda
pre-xfer exec = /bin/bash -c "cd /olusers/virgoda/ccstats/virgo_sqlite"

path = /virgoData/NoiseInjections/MagneticInjections
comment = data files with result oj magnetic injections to Ligo
use chroot = yes
read only = yes
hosts allow = *, *.virgo.infn.it
uid = virgorun
gid = virgo
pre-xfer exec = /bin/bash -c "cd /virgoData/NoiseInjections/MagneticInjections"

################## cWB #######################

# Official rsync path: olmonitor.virgo.infn.it::prod_web_cwb
path = /data/prod/web/cWB
comment = cWB web pages to LIGO
use chroot = yes
read only = yes
uid = virgorun
gid = virgo
pre-xfer exec = /bin/bash -c "cd /data/prod/web/cWB"

# Official rsync path: olmonitor.virgo.infn.it::prod_cwb
path = /data/prod/cWB
comment = cWB zero_lag and bkg to LIGO
use chroot = yes
read only = yes
uid = virgorun
gid = virgo
pre-xfer exec = /bin/bash -c "cd /data/prod/cWB"

Topic revision: r1 - 31 Oct 2019, Dibiase
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